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Pretty Girls Rock Dresses

Pretty Girls Rock Dresses
You know, equality is a myth, and for some reason, everyone accepts the fact that women don’t make as much money as men do. I don’t understand that. Why do we have to take a backseat? I truly believe that women should be financially independent from their men. And let’s face it, money gives men the power to run the show. It gives men the power to define value. They define what’s sexy. And men define what’s feminine. Shade is often thrown around these days as a synonym of hate…Hatelite if you will. That’s simply not so. As it relates to the Q-universe Shade is merely the middle ground. Im a Libra. A true Libra always seeking balance, compromise, and diplomacy. In order to achieve any of these in a situation you have to look at it from the middle ground. Shade is that middle ground. If someone is bouncing around a little too annoying and happy, then yeah the shade needed to equalize them is going to seem negative, but there are many positive aspects to Shade as well. Positive Shade thrown on dark situations often helps many get through those times. remember its all about achieving that balance. So many people think I’m a shady person so it’d be good for them to take into account that my shade is very reflective and necessary. The benefits of Shade will be discussed at great lengths in the future as well as a bunch of other ridiculous and frivolous topics I’ll pretend are important, but for now i thought the foundation should be laid on exactly where I’m coming from when I "throw shade". So just to recap… now that all the basics are using cool terms we have to band together to keep the brand pure. The depend on us and follow us around. I say let them bask in the shade with us where its nice and cool, but definitely dont let em get too comfortable!

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