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أهمية وجبة الإفطار

لإفطار يمكن ان يساعد في منع الجلطات الدموية والسكتة القلبية المؤدية الى الوفاه المفاجئه

النصيحة هي عدم اهمال الافطار

إن الذين يهملون وجبة الافطار دائما ، عليهم ان يتوقفوا عن هذه العادة

البحوث الحديثة تؤكد ان واحدة من اسوأ الممارسات اهمال وجبة الافطار "وجبة الافطار هي اهم وجبة"


لأن تواتر السكتات القلبية والجلطات المؤدية الى الوفاه المفاجئه تكون بين الساعة 6 صباحا حتى الضهر. واعلى نسبة لها تكون بين 8 و 10 صباحا. ان ما توصل اليه هذا التقرير ان اكثر حالات الموت المفاجئ تكون في الصباح الباكر؟


صفائح الدم ، وهي عنصر الدم الذي يمنع النزيف الحاد اذا ما حصل جرح في الجسم ، بسبب تراكم الكوليسترول في بطانة الشريان.

في ساعات الصباح تكون الصفائح الدموية أكثر نشاطا وتميل الى تشكيل جلطات الدم.

وفي اقل تقدير حتى الاكل الخفيف جدا لوجبة الافطار في الصباح يمنع تنشيط صفائح الدم التي يمكن ان تسبب سكتات قلبيه.

وفي دراسة اجريت في جامعة ميموريال في ست.جونس نيوفوندلاند، افادت ان الاكل الخفيف ، القليل الدهون لوجبة الافطار كان حاسما فى تعديل نشاط الصفائح الدموية.

وفي ضوء هذا البحث ان استهلاك افطار منخفض الدهون او خال من الدهون مثل الزبادي وعصير البرتقال والفاكهة والبروتين الذي مصدره الزبادي أو اللبن الخالي من الدهون.

فاذا كانت ممن يهملون وجبة الافطار، فمن المهم ان تغير هذه العاده فورا، والبدء في تناول وحبة الافطار مثل حبوب الشوفان المجروش او النخاله مع ستة أونصات من عصير العنب او عصير البرتقال ، او حتى قطعة من الفاكهة.

ان وحبة الافطار سوف تمنع نشاط التصاق الصفائح الدموية ببعض وتراكمها وبذلك يتم منع تكون جلطات الدم ، والتي قد تؤدي الى نشوء السكتات القلبية او الجلطات لا سمح الله.

إذا لسلامتك لا تهمل وجبة الافطار ابدا…….



It has become general knowledge in developed countries that those who

skip breakfast have a high incidence of developing heart attack. Evidence for this has been published in journals around the world. Nonetheless, very few in Africa know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Recent research supports this notion. The reason being that, the frequency of heart attack, sudden death and stroke peaks between the hours of 6 am in the morning and 12 mid-day, with the highest incidence occurring between 8.00 am and 10.00 am.

Blood cells are made up of Red blood cells – which carry oxygen, white blood cells – which fight infection, and platelets – which protect us from bleeding to death by clumping together when we have an injury. It is these platelets, which can also clump together inside our arteries due to cholesterol or plaque build up in our arterial blood vessels. These platelets are most active in the morning hours leading to more aggregation and clumping and therefore leading to increased frequency of internal blood clots.

Other schools of thought have proposed that whole grain help lower cholesterol and blood pressure and improve how the body processes insulin and glucose. Compared with their highly processed and refined counterparts, whole grain cereals also contain more beneficial micronutrients, antioxidants, minerals, and fiber. It is therefore helpful to eat even alight breakfast because it causes an inhibition of morning platelet activation associated with stroke and heart attack. Studies at Memorial University in St. John’s New found land, have confirmed that eating a very light, low fat breakfast modifies the morning platelet activation, thereby preventing the occurrence of heart attack. The champion of breakfast meals found very useful in the prevention of heart attack is the Whole-grain cereal. In the physicians’ Health Study published in the February issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2019), researchers analyzed information collected from86,190 male doctors who were subjects for the study. At the start of the study in 1982, about 19% of the men reported eating about one serving of breakfast cereal per day and about 12% said they ate one or more servings of whole-grain cereal per day. After an average of five and a half years of follow-up, researchers found that the more whole-grain cereal the men ate, the lower their risk of death from heart disease or any other cause was. For example, men who ate at least one serving of whole grain breakfast cereal per day had a29% lower risk of death from any cause compared with those who rarely ate whole-grain cereal.

Thus substituting high-fiber products (i.e. whole-grain breakfast cereal, fruit, and vegetables) in place of low-fiber refined-grain products may have a significant effect on public health by reducing the incidence of heart attack.

Best regards

Hani Hossni

A / HSEQ Manager

Abu Dhabi Distribution Company
Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Authority

Phone: +971 2 694 9385

Fax: +971 2 694 9260

Mob: +971 50 641 5061

Website: https://www.addc.ae/

Email: [email protected]

P.O. Box: 219

Abu Dhabi

United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC) is committed to become the best Quality Oriented Water and Electricity Distribution Utility and a leading provider of water & electricity services in the region by adopting highly advanced and suitable international standards, codes of practices and latest technology in all areas of its operations and activities. ADDC shall take all possible cost effective measures to meet and exceed its customers’ needs for a reliable and quality delivery of water and electricity in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi through a continual improvement of resources & products and commitment to safety and the environment.


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