تخطى إلى المحتوى

بالتأكيد أقدر أقوي لغتي الإنجليزيه فلنبدأ بــ speaking

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

خواتي الغاليات .. كيف الحال .. عنوان الموضوع مستوحى من موضوع إختنا .. منطوق قلبها .. التي تسعى و نسعى معها لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية و التمكن منها و بالتالي مخاطبة الاخر بها

بين يديكِ عزيزتي .. سيدة الامارات .. موقع جميل أرجو أن تقومي بالتسجيل فية فقد سجلت البارحة بالتحديد فية و قام الموقع بمراسلتي بالدرس الأول .. و سيستمر بمراسلة المشتركين فهو يعتمد على 7 قوانين لتعلم الــspeaking ..

زوري الموقع و أفيدينا عن تجربتك و تابعي أهم المفردات التي تعلمتها أو أهم الامور التي تطورت بالنسبة لك .. نحن في انتظارك ..

سأتركك الآن مع الرسالة الأولى التي بعثت لي عبر البريد بعد التسجيل .. فاقرئي و تحمسي ..

على فكرة اللغة التي استخدمت جدا سهلة و أي كلمة جديدة هو في الرسالة أو في الموقع يكتبها بلون غامج


Hi. I’m so happy you joined my 7 Rules for Excellent English Speaking Course.

I think it’s polite if I first introduce myself خليجية

I’m A.J. Hoge, an English teacher that lives in San Francisco, California.

I started teaching English 11 years ago. When I started, I was just another normal guy, just another normal teacher.

I used the same textbooks and same methods as every other teacher. Unfortunately, I got the same results too– most of my students never learned to speak English easily, quickly, and automatically.

I felt like a failure.

I was upset. I was frustrated. My students were such good people. But they were very unhappy. They had tried so many schools and textbooks– but still they could not speak English easily and automatically.

I felt like such a terrible teacher. I hated to see my student’s frustration and unhappiness.

This feeling got stronger and stronger. I decided I MUST find a way to help all of these good, friendly, intelligent people. I MUST find a way to help them speak English easily, quickly, and automatically.

So I started to search for an answer. I really wanted to help all of my wonderful adult students!

I read books about teaching English. I read research articles. I talked to experts.

Finally I went back to get a Masters Degree. And then something great happened. I found some really amazing teaching techniques.

I used them in my class and Wow! My students improved their speaking– very quickly.

They were really happy. After so many years of trying, they finally improved quickly.

Finally they learned to speak English easily, quickly, and automatically. The happiness on their faces made me feel so good! I loved to hear about their success– better jobs, more friends, and greater happiness.

I was so happy to finally help. Then I thought, "I should record my lessons so more people can use them– I’ll put them on the internet". I wanted to help more adult English students feel that success and happiness.

So, that’s what I did. I made some lessons and put them on a very simple website (I’m not a computer expert!!).

Then– I was surprised. In fact, I am still surprised and shocked. Thousands of adult English students started visiting my website every day, joining my email course and getting my lessons.

Now, I have 380,000+ people in my email course– and I’m getting hundreds of comments on my website. And every day all these people are asking for my help and my advice and my suggestions.

To be honest, I’m kind of nervous and surprised by all of this attention. You know, I’m just a regular person who got lucky and found a great teaching method.

But I’m also a very happy teacher– because what I love most is helping adult students.

Every day I feel so good when I read the wonderful comments on my website. I know it sounds very emotional– but I really do love my students.

So, I have made this 7 Rules Email course for you– to share the powerful secrets I found.
I hope you will have great success and I will be so happy when you leave a comment and tell me your success story!

Meanwhile, enjoy the email course, and all of the videos.

And please, leave a comment on my website. I know you might have some questions, so you can leave comments and questions on my website.

Have a great day and enjoy the course,

AJ Hoge
Effortless English LLC

PS: I’m so happy you joined the 7 Rules course– it is my honor to teach you and help you speak English quickly, easily, and automatically.

Thank you for letting me be your teacher. I promise I will do my best to help you.

It is my job to FINALLY give you the happiness and success you deserve with English speaking.

الآن أتركك مع الموقع الممتع و أنتظر ملحوظاتك


و موقع لترجمة الكلمات


تمنياتي لك بأمتع الأوقات

مشكورة الشيخة

يزاج الله خير اختي رؤى

مشكوووووورة الغلا

Thanks my dear

It’s really nice website and I hope all of as can improve our speaking

مشكوووره الغاليه

العزيزات .. سيدات الامارات .. شكرا لتواجدكن هنا و إفادتكن


اترك تعليقاً

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